Elevate Coaching
We’ll start with a discovery call.
This is where we get to know each other and see if we are a good fit. We’ll talk about you, your business and current situation, where you want to be and how you’d like to get there.
We’ll set some goals and put some structure around your ambition and work out where you’d like to go.
We’ll help you take a step back and show you the difference between the wood and the trees. It’s all too easy when you work in your business and not on it to get over-involved in the concerns of the day-to-day, firefighting and lose sight of the bigger picture.
Then we’ll get planning.
Once we’ve set the vision and developed the mission, we’ll build a plan to achieve it.
I use several business diagnosis tools that analyse and score your business so we can identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Next, we’ll review the results and start implementing.
We’ll review the results of the diagnosis and create an action plan. You’ll have things to do and I’ll be around to check your accountability.
- We’ll squeeze more from your numbers. You’ll be surprised how much you can improve by making small incremental changes to how you run your business.
- You’ll grow in confidence. When you start doing the right things, and they start working, you can set your sights even higher and be less demanding of yourself.
- We’ll focus on your business, streamlining systems, identifying new opportunities and getting out of your rut.
Elevate Coaching
You may not need such an involved relationship with a business advisor. You might want someone to check in with occasionally to ensure you’re on the right track rather than the whole program.
Here’s what I propose we do…
Once we have the initial “getting to know you” meeting and we’ve completed the review, you’ll have regular monthly coaching or mentoring sessions or calls.
You’ll always have someone at the end of the phone, just for a piece of advice or for a moan; it’s essential you can let off steam in a way that’s good for you and your business.
- We’ll change how you look at your business so you’ll have direction, purpose and goals.
- Your business will become an asset to be proud of and you’ll look forward to working in it and on it daily.
- You’ll get the passion back to where it once was and be proud to call it your work.
I believe every business has the potential to be great. With the right help, guidance and the odd tweak, yours could too. The Elevate programme has your back whether you want fully-fledged coaching and advice or a sounding board you can occasionally use to check you’re on the right track.
Book your free business review here.
And see what we will be able to achieve together.
I grow businesses.